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Programming Elixir: The magic of today's tonic
Programming Elixir: The magic of today's tonic [ 2014]
[ 2014] Programming Elixir: The magic of today's tonic
Nagano Tonic - The Secret of the Magic Elixir to Lose Weight Fast.
[RakutenTechConf2013][B-1] Elixir: The Joy of Ruby, the Power of Erlang
Learning Functional Programming with Elixir by Adolfo Neto ( September 2022)
RubyConf 2014 - Rubyists, have a sip of Elixir!
Elixir Conf 2014 - Fear and the Evolution of Languages by Bruce Tate
Claudio Ortolina - 'Rewriting a Ruby application in Elixir ' ElixirConf EU 2015
Elixir Conf 2014 - Introduction to Elixir for Rubyists by Josh Adams & Robby Clement
ElixirConf 2015 - OTP Has Done It by Nick DeMonner
Elixir creator José Valim is now using Rust?! Spoiler: NO